Soul Gateway Connection

Where Your SOUL Connects To Your LIFE PATH!

“Everyone's soul has a blueprint made just for them that can change everything if they let it. ​​I can say with confidence you can find your way. We all know how.”

— Barbara Ptak

Are you tired of going in circles, trying to solve problems, figuring out relationships while managing stress in your life?

Are you ready to make a change? Or does the lack of confidence have you frozen with fear to make sound choices?

Are you reflecting on your life? Have you been asking the deeper question of what is my purpose?

Imagine having a guide to life!

Your own personal in-depth resource that explains how you express yourself, through a soul experience and the interactions throughout your life.

What if you uncovered the limiting beliefs that restrict your growth and learned how to liberate new possibilities?

Can you envision having detailed information on your personal style of problem solving, conflict resolution and stress management?

Consider how utilizing your strengths and abilities will be a game changer as you live your life on your terms confidently making choices.

Picture a large energetic library that contains endless volumes of your lifetimes, with every rich experience that has shaped you.

This is what is available to you through the Akashic Records!

A Soul Gateway Connection uses the process of Soul Genesis™️ to retrieve your personal information stored in the Akashic Records, and brings to life a blueprint to guide you.

Your soul blueprint features the repetitive life themes that are creating opportunities for personal growth; and focuses on talents / strengths which guide your decisions & choices for your life purpose.

Through your soul blueprint discover the connections to past and current relationships which have created misalignments​. 

Soul Genesis™️ removes all energy vibrations which create resistance and blockages that contribute to decision missteps.

When you reacquaint yourself with your core essence and embody your path and purpose there is no space for doubt. 

Making decisions becomes simply easy! 

No second guessing - just pure joy and confidence.

  • ✔️ Your personal Soul Genesis blueprint information is delivered via Zoom.

    ✔️ Soul Genesis property clearing is accomplished remotely and a verbal report of the results is provided via zoom or phone.

  • ✔️ Elimination of energetic resistance, disruptions and disturbances to rebalance and realign with your Soul blueprint.

    ✔️ Audio recording of the Soul Genesis profile.

    ✔️ Soul Genesis Profile workbook

    ✔️ Personal Oracle Video Message

    ✔️ Energetic Home & Property Clearing

    ✔️ Verbal report of Home & Property Clearing findings

  • Soul Genesis blueprint session last approximately ~ 60 minutes.

    Remote clearing of home & property ~ 45 minutes.

    Verbal report of home & property clearing ~20 minutes.

  • Your personal investment for your Akashic Soul blueprint and bonus home & property clearing $254.00

  • Post-session support after 7 days via email for Q&A of your observations.

What’s included in a SOUL GATEWAY CONNECTION?


Knowledge is power! Wouldn’t you like to reclaim yours? 

As a blend of teacher, guide and mentor I provide a safe environment for self-discovery, self-growth and self-care!

Want more? Here is a bonus!

INCLUDED in EVERY Soul Gateway Connection session is an ENERGY CLEARING for YOUR HOME and PROPERTY.

Your home space is your Soul’s place

Did you know the energy of our home can be affected by not only the people living there but the environment surrounding it and the contents inside?

  • A Soul Genesis™️ home and property session cleanses your space of stagnant energy and replaces it with uplifting energy!

  • 🏡 Your family members are not sleeping well with increased unexplained nightmares in children.​

    🏡 After a tough day at work and home does not promote a feeling of being uplifted or peaceful.​

    🏡 Relationships in the home have changed due to marriage, divorce or death.

    🏡 Getting your home ready for sale includes an energy clearing.

    🏡 Your home is located near overhead hydro power lines or towers.

  • ​❓Do you require access to the inside of my home or property?

    ANSWER: No, I do not come to the location at all. All information gathered and energy clearing is done remotely.

    ​❓Do I have to be home when you do the clearing?

    ANSWER: No, I request that the home be empty of people although pets can remain. Some people can be very sensitive to the shift in energy so being out of the home is preferred.

    ​❓Will you be using any special sprays, burning of herbs, sprinkling of water, shaking of rattles or chanting?

    ANSWER: No, the clearings are done through specific invocations that address the energy of the home and surrounding property.

    ​❓I live in a high-rise building can a home and property clearing still be done?

    ANSWER: Yes, it is perfectly fine to clear your high rise home and you do not have to ask your neighbours to leave at anytime for the clearing.

    ​​❓How often do I have to have the energy of my property and home cleared?

    ANSWER: I recommend having an annual check up to assess the level of toxic energy.

Home & Property Clearing Details

Does your home feel like a castle…

or a dungeon?

Have you walked into a home and thought how relaxing and calm it felt?  Or you walked into a home and thought it felt chaotic? 

Did you feel tense or unsettled after a while?

Did you know the interactions between a home’s occupants either harmonious or not, leave behind an energy imprint that impacts everyone?

When you have a shower you don’t put on dirty clothes. So, why would you clear your personal energy field without including your home environment?
— Barbara Ptak

Purchasing a SOUL GATEWAY CONNECTION session provides specialized clearings for your Personal Energy Field


the Energy for your Home & Property!

I’ve got you covered!